
outdoor ad by Qualcomm

Agency Ogilvy

Market New York

In 2015, Qualcomm purchased the majority of our outdoor ad inventory in Manhattan, effectively dominating the downtown area for eight weeks. The initiative was so successful that Qualcomm returned in 2016 with an equally impressive campaign, expanding the creative to several locations in Brooklyn. Both years’ campaigns featured thought-provoking questions asking when current technology will finally catch up with our imaginations, and informing viewers that Qualcomm is already working on these challenges today.

Ad space in Williamsburg - progress shot
Williamsburg ad space
Qualcomm outdoor ad in Manhattan
Hand painted questions about technology
Colossal painter installing a mural
Hand painted outdoor ad in Brooklyn
Mural in progress
This ad towers over Canal Street
Digital questions in a physical medium
OOH ad space in Manhattan with Qualcomm creative
Why Wait? Asks Qualcomm
Ad space in Manhattan is visible from blocks away
J.Crew hand painted advertising mural